Professor Nuno Correia

Concept framework
B-wind Becoming an invisible power with an effect on trees
B-wind is a RTiVISS experience where users have the opportunity to dematerialize, performing an invisible character, the wind, thus observing the impressive visible consequences. The performative potential of this interactive experience and the human scale motivate a choreographic approach that raises awareness on space and the poetry of movement, whereas simultaneously empowering the users by demonstrating a real immediate interaction effect, as if they were the wind. Users are invisible, for their physical presence is subtracted from the resulting visual interface, the results of their actions being visible, presented in the real-time time video through emphasized effects simulating the wind. The visual disturbance in the human scale video projection reflects users’ passage, and the image bodies have been removed – then just a wind effect remains, recalling its presence through a reminiscent relief/particles field.

Reinforcing the wind visual effects with real wind in the installation is a feature to implement, for that redundancy enhances the visual impact of the image through expressiveness, coexisting with the proposed synesthesia.

B-wind is especially prone to dance and performance by appealing the whole body to intervene, to experiment, to "let go". A dancer could feel motivated to give its best, whereas the average non-dancer users would eventually feel somehow lighter, and elegant in the role of the wind. This raises multiple questions, as for any kind of user, what's the feeling of becoming invisible? Is it pleasant, is it strange? Confronted with such possibilities, will the user feel enthusiastic about the idea of experiencing a kind of superpower, omnipotence even? Will he "spread its wings" and feel the freedom to cherish the trees? Will he free the tension by releasing anger towards an infinitely absorbing infinite (air) surface? Will he even be willing to explore his potential of generating wind by his own, simply by running faster, somehow “competing against the machine”?
By contrast, will the user subvert the motion concept? Or, as a child, would he explode in energy and joy joining the celebration of nature without processing processes, causes or consequences – just being?... the wind.


Artigo de síntese, em tópicos da disciplina, com tema proposto pelo docente ou proposto pelo aluno e aprovado pelo docente. Com base no artigo é também feita uma apresentação. Este trabalho é individual. O artigo deve ter no máximo 10 páginas e deve ser usado o formato ACM. É importante incluir uma perspectiva crítica sobre o(s) tema(s) com comparação de diferentes aproximações e paradigmas. Pode ser usado um mapa de conceitos, apesar de não ser obrigatório, como os produzidos no ambiente VUE.
Deadline 2010/05/31 | Presentations 2010/06/1 and 8

I. Theme proposed 2010/04/27: "B-wind: a RTiVISS experience" » Approved

B-wind: a RTiVISS experience

State of the Art
B-wind requires programming work on real-time video distortions, as to simulate exaggerated wind effects, so working with particles will be a starting point for expressiveness and responsiveness. In this outlook, the work of Kirk [Woolford04] is especially meaningful for the interactive work with fields of particles, as if translating motion into abstract poetry.
Drawing storyboards for movement indexing and mapping is part of the methods. The process involves working with open source tools with a broad set of libraries on vector field with particles, techniques or patterns of effects on the videos, such as OpenFrameworks and Isadora. After choosing and adapting the desired filters, we’ll then implement and analyze implications, performance, and the poetry feel.

Overtaking space limitations, this experience recalls telepresence, too. A challenging idea is the power to apply the wind effect in the forest itself – the motion visual tracking in the installation would have a real amplified effect on the real trees and in real time, by triggering physical devices producing the visual effect of wind on the framework visible in the video screen. Microcontrollers such as Arduino communicating with wind generators machines can be a departure point for accomplishing this behavior. Previous work with wind fans has been essayed by André [Gonlçalves07] and Bruno and Rita [Amaral07], although in completely different contexts and scale.


RTVS – real-time video streaming, video tracking, video stream processing, particle fields, microcontroller, Arduino, sensors


O projecto inclui componentes de especificação e realização de um sistema multimédia. Identificam-se os requisitos, desenvolve-se uma proposta detalhada de arquitectura do sistema e são realizados alguns componentes específicos. São propostos temas para projecto e também são aceites propostas. Este trabalho pode ser feito individualmente ou em grupo (dois elementos). Estão disponíveis indicações para especificação de projectos (em actualização). Para os diagramas de classes pode ser usada a linguagem UML, sobre a qual está disponível informação diversa, por exemplo Quick Reference e UML 2 Class Diagrams. Existe ainda uma ferramenta interessante para gerar diagramas a partir de uma explicação textual. Para os diagramas de classe existem múltiplas ferramentas, por exemplo UMLet e Violet.
Deadline: 2010/07/09

I. Theme proposed 2010/04/27: "B-wind: a RTiVISS experience" » Approved

B-wind: a RTiVISS
interactive experience

System architecture (v1.2)


AMARAL, Bruno, FIGUEIREDO, RIta [2007], Blow me, installation, Prémio Mapa, Universidade Católica

GONÇALVES, André [2007], I Thought Some Daisies Might Cheer You Up, installation, Interactivos?, Media Lab Madrid

MADEIRA, Rui [2009], Parque, interactive installation, Parque da Paz – Almada, Portugal

SOMMERER, Christa, MIGNONNEAU, Laurent, [1993], "Interactive Plant Growing", ZKM – Center for Art and Media

WATSON, Theodore, GOBEILLE, Emily, [2009], Funky Forest - Interactive Ecosystem

WOOLFORD, Kirk, [from 2008], Shooting the Wind

WOOLFORD, Kirk, [2007], Will.0.W1sp – Installation Overview, ACM, Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia, Augsburg, Germany, pp. 379-380

WOOLFORD, Kirk[2008], Bhaptic



Bibliografia (em actualização)
• Artigos científicos, incluindo os disponíveis na biblioteca digital da ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).
• Fundamentals of Multimedia, Ze-Niam Li, Mark S. Drew, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2004
• Multimédia e Tecnologias Interactivas, Nuno Ribeiro, FCA, 2004 (2ª Edição, 2006)
• Comunicações Audiovisuais: Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações, Fernando Pereira, Paulo Correia et al, IST Press, Setembro de 2009
• Programming Interactivity: A Designer's Guide to Processing, Arduino, and openFrameworks, Joshua Noble, Joshua Noble, Publisher: O'Reilly Media Released: July 2009.
• Aulas teóricas (slides)
